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Blue-veined cheese is a good example of what comes out when the Man and the Nature cooperate successfully. Although the making process itself is quite sophisticated and a range of different factors must be taken into account, the result is a unique dainty product with the strongly marked personality, which runs the gamut of textures and flavors.
Blue (or Bleu, as some call it in the French manner) cheese is a general name for the aged sorts made from cow’s, ewe’s, or goat’s milk and with the cultures of the mold Penicillium added. Under the influence of the environment the fungi create specific blue, green, gray or even black veins or spots throughout the interior.
Cloaked in a legend the history of blue cheese dates back to the 1st century AD, when it was first mentioned by Pliny the Elder. The Roman historian remarked on its rich aroma and flavor. In the 8th century Charlemagne tried some at a Catholic monastery and proclaimed it “the cheese of kings and popes”.
The Bleu was invented accidentally, without any particular purpose. As the most popular story goes, a shepherd once left his lunch of rye bread and cheese in a cool and moist cave. Some time later he returned to find that the blue mold had affected both products. But he was so hungry that he ate it all and liked the flavor very much. Since then the technologies have been improved, and the original stage of aging the cheese in caves has been included into the general manufacturing process. After the mold cultures are introduced to the wheel, it is pierced with a stainless needle to let air inside by creating tiny fissures. Oxygen feeds the bacteria and encourages the green-blue veins to form.
Various types of blue cheese are as different as their countries of origin and possess their individual characters, consistencies and tastes. Italian Gorgonzola blue cheese is one the oldest representatives from its family. Known since the 9th century, it is rich in minerals and vitamins and versatile for cooking. Then what is Gorgonzola cheese flavor like? This is a well-balanced combination of creaminess, savoriness and pungency. German Cambozola cheese, which is a mix of Gorgonzola and a French triple cream, has a much milder, nuttier and sweeter taste. Traditionally slightly acidic and buttery Blue Stilton was described as the “English Parmesan” by Daniel Defoe. Danish Blue cheese (or Danablu) has been produced in Denmark since the 20th century. It is characterized by a crumbly and creamy texture, and a savory, tangy taste. Maytag cheese is made in the US according to the European techniques. The mold adds some piquant sharp tints to its flavor making a bit strong but still ubiquitous in cooking.
At our Marky’s Gourmet you can choose from the wide range of blue-veined cheeses of high quality, and check the best blue cheese price for you. There is also a special option for you to order cheese online.