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Serving foie gras products is a very delicate process. It is normally presented as a starter (prior to the main course). In some cases, it is the main course, but this is relatively rare. Let us find out more.

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How to eat foie gras

If you come to a restaurant and order the delicacy, you definitely need to know what foie gras is, and how to eat the dish. There are a lot of rules concerning eating foie gras, but all of them are summarized in only one essential principle: "Do not kill the true taste". Indeed, it is a pity to kill the flavor and aroma of this amazing delicacy by means of adding sharp wine or side dish with its distinctive, pungent flavor.

Because of this main principle, experts recommend to use usual bread to accompany slightly chilled foie gras, thus, white or gray slightly dried out bread (works best for toasts) is perfect for this culinary treasure of French cuisine. It is better not to experiment using different “exotic” kinds of bread with grains, nuts, spices and so on. Butter is also considered quite superfluous. Any useless sauces or seasonings are strictly forbidden, so if you try, for example, to add mayonnaise or ketchup to the dish, you simply will be expelled from the table of prestigious French family.

Foie gras accompaniments

Fried duck or goose liver is most often accompanied with a light green salad without dressing, and fruit-berry sauce with slightly sour flavor. Fried mushrooms without too strong aroma suit the dish, so it is better to use oyster mushrooms and chanterelles, instead of white ones. Of course, there is no place to high-calorie ingredients on a plate with the escalope of foie gras (such garnishes like potatoes, rice, vegetables fried in oil, and others).

Let us discuss some other interesting accompaniments to make your festive table the tastiest ever.

Baguette and white pepper

Perhaps, it is the most classic way to present duck liver. Usual white bread, a slice of foie gras and freshly ground white pepper. It is very important not to smear bread over with the foie gras (it is only the way of how to serve pate de foie gras), but simply put a piece on top. Foie gras is best reveals the taste if the bread is warm and lightly toasted.

Fruit and berry sauces.

Sweet jams, sauces and marmalades with slightly sour flavor is one of the best ingredients for serving foie gras. Light sweetness wonderfully complements the taste of duck or goose liver.

Fig jam

We set the combination of fig jam & foie gras apart from a wide range of the fruit and berry sauces, as this mix is considered to be one of the finest; thus, it extremely satisfies our taste buds.

Baked apples

Light aroma and tender texture of baked apples also goes well with foie gras. It is nice to add fresh lettuce leaves to this combination.

Onion chutney

Fried onion has a pleasant sweetness that suits our great delicacy; spices with their refreshing flavor add exquisiteness to the dish.

Fried mushrooms

Having a light aroma, chanterelle mushrooms are great pate de foie gras ingredients, that is why they are often used for this specific food item.

Foie gras pairing

How can we not recall a perfect complement to duck foie? Sauternes, the sweet wine of Bordeaux made from grapes infected with botrytis, compliments the creamy richness of foie gras. Although the formula "foie gras + Sauternes" is the most famous and probably the one you are familiar with, however, we recommend to expand the palette of French wines and experiment with following drinks. Other rich, sweet white wines also go well with foie gras, including sweet Loire Valley wines, Alsatian vendange tardive or selection de grains nobles, or sweet German Rieslings. Champagne is not the best alcoholic beverage to pair with the dish, as even French aristocrats believe that it is too much. Nevertheless, this combination tastes good, especially if champagne is not too dry.

More information about foie gras serving

The best way to serve foie gras, made of goose or duck liver, is not the same as was earlier, because it is changing according to the modern trends in the culinary sphere. At one time, it was served to finish a lunch. Then the dish was accompanied with truffle and aspic, but now many experts believe that there is no need to add so many products with such a distinctive taste, that is why they prefer to present it with warm and lightly toasted bread. One of the latest trends is to serve foie gras with green onions, pumpkin and scallops. However, classic recipes still remain true to traditional methods and accompaniments.

How to serve foie gras pate

which is regarded as a masterpiece of haute cuisine, then? An interesting way is to present it with plenty of sliced baguette, a good sharp Dijon and/or wholegrain mustard, and cornichons.

The last thing to say is that in order not to overdo with the duck liver calories, you should pay attention to quantities and portions: as an appetizer – 50-70 grams per person, as a main dish – not more than 150 grams of fried liver.

Bon appetite, our dear visitors!

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